Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Embroiderers' Guild Moves its Stash!

We have had to move and reorganize our extensive stash -- prospective members, please note that this will be available to you, on membership, too! -- and since one large bag of materials relates to goldwork,a member specializing in goldwork offered to take custody of it, to bring it in on request for anyone needing to use it.

And this is some of what's in that goldwork stash:

 Many reels of silk thread in a range of colors, too, and a couple of fine kits with silk fabric and gauze and silk threads with charts.

It's only a fraction of what we have in our Guild stash, much of it a generous gift from a high end store which closed some years ago, as well as gifts from former stitchers,  and ranging from a wide range of flosses and perle, beautiful quality crewel wools, reference books, fabrics for stitching, hoops, there's a great treasure trove for members to use.

The goldwork is now safely in an undisclosed location, but available at any time on request.

So, if you're reading because you met us at the recent Festival of the Arts, or if you're a longstanding follower, and especially if you're a Guild member, this is just a reminder of the resources at our disposal.  Another wonderful resource is the generosity of fellow members who gladly learn and gladly teach, to paraphrase Chaucer!

We welcome new members to share with us, and we meet every Wednesday evening, year round, from 7-9, then there's our general membership meeting with program, on the first Sunday of the month.  Our October meeting will be about show and tell and catch up on unfinished stitching, with members teaching each other as needed.

1 comment:

Minimiss said...

What a fabulous goldwork stash. Makes me wonder how large the entire stash is. How wonderful to be able to offer such riches to members.